Many people prefer texting over other forms of communication. It has become even more popular since the introduction of instant messaging applications like WhatsApp and WeChat. Organizations benefit from these mobile tools, but they also face a high level of ...

In an organisation, client loyalty is a beneficial possession. Over half of individuals will share this commitment by signing up with a VIP/incentives program. These B2B incentive programs are an outstanding way to repay, along with motivating client retention. As ...

As technology is getting advanced, companies globally are racing to innovate. The marketplace is full of tech gadgets that unlock the productivity of businesses. But as tech gadgets are getting more advance each year, it can be difficult to know ...

Ryan Kavanaugh is the first to admit that he became so wrapped up in his old life that he could not see the clear signs it was no longer working for him. Having emerged from business bankruptcy, serious health issues, ...

The financial industry, particularly the banking sector, has benefited from the combination of internet and smartphone usage. FinTech is causing a paradigm shift in the financial business, by allowing banks to provide services to anyone, regardless of their location. Branchless ...

Plastic bags and everything made of plastic was at one point considered the biggest threat to planet earth. But today the role of plastic has changed drastically. With advancements in technology, the dynamics of plastic have attained new forms.  Nowadays, ...

Business people today are on the constant lookout to maximise the reach of their business and increase revenue and profit. The easiest way to attain this is by importing goods from abroad and competing with the local market with superior ...

Importing goods to Canada, like in any other country, is an expensive and time-consuming affair. Businesses in Canada are now actively looking for expansion through the import of goods from neighboring countries like the USA.  The importing regulations and procedures ...

In any business, one of the most important parts is collecting the failed payments. In addition, this mainly happens in the areas of business, with organizations where there is a recurring billing or invoice collection or open invoices or receivables ...

Planning a business remodel is a collaborative process, whether you need more office space or pull-down boundaries to create a more collaborative work atmosphere. There’s a lot of work to be done, from choosing the appropriate designer to hiring an ...